Message from a Reiki Master/Teacher

Standing in Truth, is Mandatory!

From The Message from a Reiki Master/Teacher Series, click for the video

How do you stand in truth and react from your heart, when… people might think you are crazy?

Here are a few things you may deal with, as you open up to your gifts, experience visions and a deeper sense of knowing. It is so important to remain true to who you are regardless of what comes at you!
Realities I was faced with as I stepped into my Reiki as a healer.
Right off the bat, when becoming a Reiki Master, I was already having an internal battle with myself, about how I would tell the world, clients, friends and family that I have been guided by, and work directly with Angles and beings of light who cross through the veil into my healing room.
Even though I talk freely now about how I am in regard to this, I have come up against, critics and non-believers, concerned friends and family and those who just have a problem opening their mind to even perceive of such a thing.
Trying to explain to people,  Reiki energy comes from our creator, and enters the practitioner through their crown chakra and out through their hands to the client, is hard enough for people to understand, let alone if you say you “Channel” that energy. Bells and whistles go off triggering a programmed sign of fear in people who are unsure of the spiritual side of things and the many aspects involved in that.
Even mentioning you work with Jesus, unless the client is a Christian can make a practitioner flinch for fear of feeling like your client may think you are pushing religion on them if they don’t believe or follow that faith.

jesus One of Suzanne’s Visions

(When I was at a confusing cross road in my life…I had a vision and Jesus clearly said,  “You Walk with Me” )
But still you must stand in your truth…even if questioned or ridiculed
Does everyone believe in Angles, or Light beings, or other helpers from God, who may have lived long ago and come from Old Civilizations like Lemuria or Atlantis or beings from the time when Druids walked the earth?
No they certainly do not.

Do you think that the majority of people would believe you, as you remain standing in your own truth, if you said, you had clear undeniable visions of other beings, who illuminate, or have beautiful blue skin ( like the image below) or skin as red as a tomato? Or that you have clear and undeniable visions of beings, that physically resemble a human but with a feline head, or a deer head with antlers, or a bird head with wings?

No I’m pretty sure that would freak the average person out. In a big way if they had not done any research into past civilizations and prehistoric timelines. Many people would not believe your truth.
There are many people who are aware and waking up to truth as it is coming out now about who we are and how we have been manipulated as a collective, but the majority of people are still stuck in an old paradigm, an old way of controlled thinking to keep you in a low vibration and living in fear.

For the people who are closest to you, they may also be living in fear of their life changing drastically as you grow and the security they felt they had with your old way of being slips away.
Because of this, it might be easier for them to think you are crazy, or have a psychological disorder, or that you are delusional then it would be for them to open their minds to believe what you are sharing with them? It would be easier for them to deny your truth.
Not everyone believes the same things, and that’s ok.

The examples above are a small fragment from my own experiences and what you aswell, may encounter as a healer.

As you open up to deeper possibilities and realities on the other side of the veil things may change significantly with your perception of the world. Still, you must remain standing in your truth.
Standing in your truth, will test you to no end…
It is totally ok, to have a difference of opinion, and different belief systems, however I feel, if you come up against people who are demeaning towards you or if they question your integrity then I feel it is a direct test and a lesson for you, to see how you will handle that situation for your own spiritual growth.
Actions cause reactions, so will you stand in your truth and stay true to who you are? Or will you buckle and have to repeat that lesson again?
Take it from me, as you step into your new journey, whether as a healer or not, you will be tested. You may even doubt yourself, as to whether you are crazy, if someone with a strong personality comes up against you.
Like I said before, it is easier for others to point the finger and put a label on something they may not believe could be true. You can apply this to any situation in your life, not just he spiritual end of things.
Standing in your truth is mandatory, in-order to raise your vibration and frequency. If you don’t life can become very uncomfortable and at times even physically painful if you deny your truth. 

Standing in truth allows you to let go of fear. That’s what it comes down to.

For all of you who wish to step into a role as a healer, with Reiki or any other modality

Staying in fear of anything, keeps you in a low vibration…and you don’t want to be there.
Becoming involved with any form of Reiki energy, especially Holy Fire II with the Angles, will change you, test you and challenge you to the core!

Why? Because the energy and the Angels continually work with you for your own purification and healing. It is very important for you to understand this…you will work hard to evolve your spirit.
But once you get a grasp on why you have chosen to become a practitioner, or why you have chosen to have energy work done for your personal well-being, then you will welcome the challenges, knowing each one you Master, brings you closer to where you want to be on your journey.
Looking for a Master, Teacher or Mentor
Once you are a Reiki Master, you aren’t miraculously healed or finished all your own inner work. In fact, the amount of work you do, will intensify and could quite easily push you to the limits to dig even deeper and sort through the layers of your past, in this life time, and the many you had before along with your current timeline.
You will continually release to restore your spirit to shine your light even brighter as you walk on earth anchoring the light for all of humanity.
The sign of a good teacher, is one who will share and be open with their clients or students about their own downfalls, their own mistakes and insecurities. They are human too, and I find in my experience, people relate to other people who are real about who they are.
Confidence is a great thing, but a good teacher will not put on a mask.
So, in closing,
Standing firm in your truth is mandatory… and remember you are a big beautiful illuminated spirit living in a physical body to experience all that life brings forward.
When looking for a mentor, teacher, or Reiki Master to learn from, look for the qualities of Truth and Integrity…Are they walking their talk?

It is very easy to recognize those who stand in their truth if you have your own two feet planted firmly on the ground, standing in your own truth.

See  Truth,  From Suzanne’s Angel Encouragement Card Deck

See truth

Love and hugs,

Suzanne Bertolas

White Dragonfly healing

White Dragonfly Healing on Facebook. 

Contact for upcoming Holy Fire II with the Angel Classes

Believe in New Beginnings!

Good morning friends 🙂

Believing and  New Beginnings are the two cards  for today’s reading and both of these cards actually jumped out of my deck while shuffling, so I feel they need to be heard. No questioning the Angels this morning from me, it is way too early.

There are those of you out there,  standing on the edge of uncertainty about your new direction,  there are others of you staring in disbelief at the actions of others who you may need to distance yourself from.

Still, there are others, riding the high energy waves full of excitement and optimism of things to come. Full of love, and appreciation who still may feel uncertainty.

All these things are exactly how they are meant to be at the moment…trust in yourself and your hearts ability to see clearly and recognize what the important lessons are as you move ahead.

New beginnings whether in relationships, moving to a new city, starting a new job, or starting life out as a brand new person on your own, can be life altering.

Believing in what is standing in front of you, and feeling truth in your heart before each step you take is the trick to moving ahead positively in the correct direction of your soul path.

Baby steps…

Have a great day everyone!

Love and Hugs


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White Dragonfly@whitedragonflyhealing   face book

Remove Clutter to Open your Heart

Good morning Friends,

Make Space and Open Your Heart !!

Today’s message is such a great one, as I know so many of you are going through personal changes of the relationship kind.

I also know many of you are looking to move, or relocate so the Make Space card can have a double meaning.

All in all…

As you do transform through life changes many people forge ahead with enthusiasm and excitement, however it is common to fear what is new and unknown at the same time. If  you are letting go of energy from things, and people who have been in our life for  a long time, that can be a very big deal and extremely emotional for all involved. 

As you step out of fear…let go of control and move in the direction of trusting your guidance and being open to receive love on many levels.

There is always an adjustment period. The trick is to try and live from the heart, step out of fear that may be holding you back, but at the same time, don’t grab on so tightly to new things you encounter or people you meet that you don’t allow the energy to move through new situations freely so all parties can adjust.  Take things slowly, one step at a time and remove ALL expectations or you will hold up the progress of moving forward.

Allowing love into your life, includes the new found freedom to love who you are as a   spirit and special person in this world.

It it time to get to know ‘YOU’ a bit better now. Embrace who you are and never second guess the guidance from your Angels.

Enjoy your day everyone!!

Love and Hugs,


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Romance, Relationships & Angel Guidance

Hello Friends,

I’m not an expert by any means…in the relationship department, or a counselor but I feel I have a pretty good handle on…

  • understanding
  • respect
  • compromise
  • encouragement
  • and compassion towards those in my life that I love and care for.

Why do I feel confident to say this? Because I know how hard I work on a daily basis to grow and learn from mistakes in all my relationships I am intertwined with . I also consult my higher guidance and the Angelic realm when I do readings for myself.


Relationships are colorful and can be complicated and sometimes we deal with  repetitive issues, emotions and things that may trigger us around certain people in our lives.

We may think the problem lies with the other person but that is not always the case.

Sometimes we need to take a deeper look and come to terms with why things aren’t working out when we think they should.

For those of you who know me, you know what offer in my services as an Energy worker and healer.

  • Angel Fire / Holy Fire II Reiki
  • Angel Oracle Readings with the deck I created as instructed by the Angels and my own spirit
  • I teach Angel Intuitive Card Reader workshops
  • And I help Cancer patients deal with hair loss in my wig shop.

You will already be aware that I have a very strong connection to the Angelic Realm and work closely with them during healing sessions and during Readings and teaching.

IMG_20160501_155738772 Angel Intuitive Card Reader Workshop

I hear guidance and information from the Angels as it comes through for me to help you.

I am being guided now to start bringing more to the table for you, with what I can offer when I do one on one personal readings for you.

Up to this point, my readings have been solely about you. the Angels have been bringing forward the information you need to hear in order to heal yourself, in regards to how you react and handle triggers in your life, past blocks and heartache. It has been all about you.

and it has been a growth process for me also as I build a stronger connection with my guidance.


The Angels are guiding me do readings for you, in regards to the relationship issues you may have with others. This way you may be able to work through the doubt and fear and have a happier, more fulfilling union with those you care about… these may include…

  • spouse or your significant other
  • parental relationships or with children
  • sibling relationships
  • friends, work mates etc

If you have a relationship that you are having difficulties navigating and seem to be stuck in a rut or not sure how to fix things,or move forward then perhaps you might like to consult with the Angels and see if their guidance might help you out a bit.

If you are interested in having a relationship reading, or a combined in-depth reading for yourself and another relationship you are concerned about please contact me below.

I look forward to working with you in this new capacity!!


Love and hugs


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